Product FAQ

What's the best way to shutdown my Enchanted Portal?

It is recommended that you do NOT simply turn the power off as this could, over time, damage your device. To prolong the life of the Enchanted Portal, place the SHUTDOWN card on the Relic Amplifier. The scene on your monitor should disappear almost immediately and go black. Wait about 10 seconds for the tiny GREEN LED on the bottom of the portal to turn RED and then it's safe to shut the power off. If the portal is in hidden location we suggest waiting about 20 seconds after the screen goes black and then power off, just to be sure.

When I turn on the Enchanted Portal I get some mumbo-jumbo text on the screen but nothing else.

This could be bad. Please take a photo of the screen so any text on it can be read and send it to .  The most likely cause is that your SD Card has been corrupted. A new card should fix the issue.

When I turn the Enchanted Portal on my video monitor remains black. What does that mean?

You're probably enjoying some strong, tiki cocktails at the moment so we do have to ask these 2 questions.

  • Is the monitor turned on?
  • Is the HDMI cable plugged in to both the Enchanted Portal and your monitor?

Okay, with that out of the way, the most probable cause is that the INPUT on your monitor is not set to whichever port you plugged your HDMI cable into. Consult the User Guide for your monitor to set the proper input.
If you believe everything is setup properly, please send an email to and explain the situation.

The scene on my monitor has a large, black border around it.

This can happen if you don't turn the power on your monitor on prior to turning on the Enchanted Portal. The portal will tell your monitor the resolution to adjust to, 1080p, but if your monitor is not on when that happens then it will default to whatever your monitor's default resolution is.

Use the SHUTDOWN card to power down your Enchanted Portal, wait about 10 seconds, and then turn the power back on on your Enchanted Portal.

The screen just has a blue image of a man in a boat.

If your screen looks like this image when you turn on the Enchanted Portal, you most likely have the HDMI adapter cable in the incorrect port.  The cable should be plugged into the CENTER port, immediately to the right of the power cable. Refer to the Manual for a detailed image and instructions.

Portal login Screen
The sound for some of the effects on the Enchanted Portal is choppy or has stopped.

Try changing the time of day and see if the issue persists. If all else fails you can always reboot your Enchanted Portal.
Use the SHUTDOWN card to shut down and then cycle the power off and then on.

When I place a relic on the amplifier the diamond blinks BLUE followed by GREEN or RED, what does this mean?

The diamond blinking BLUE indicates that the relic placed on the amplifier was recognized. The diamond blinking GREEN immediately after, indicates that the Enchanted Portal has been notified and an effect should occur on the screen. If instead the diamond blinks RED, that indicates the Enchanted Portal could not be found.

If the diamond blinks RED IMMEDIATELY when placing something on the Relic Amplifier,  that indicates the object is not recognized. This should NEVER happen if the object is a object. If it does it may indicate a problem with your Relic Amplifier.  If this continues to happen please send us an email to 
What does it mean when the diamond turns RED on the Relic Amplifier?

When the diamond blinks or turns solid RED on the Relic Amplifier it means that the connection to the Enchanted Portal could not be found. Make sure the Enchanted Portal is turned on and the scene is showing on the screen. You can also try cycling the power OFF and then ON on the Relic Amplifier.

The Relic Amplifier diamond turns RED immediately after I turn it on. What's going on?

This usually indicates that not enough power is being supplied to the device. In non mumbo-jumbo technical terms, the device requires more power to turn on then it does to actually run (Weird, right?)

If you are using the 4 AA battery powered device

Leave the device on for a few seconds and then try turning it off and then immediately back on. Usually, even if your batteries are partially drained, this will supply enough power to get it going. You may have to try this several times.

If you are using the USB-C powered device

Leave the device on for a few seconds and then unplug the cable from the rechargeable battery pack and then immediately plug it back in. You may have to try this several times. Make sure the plug is pushed all the way into the adapter hole on the device if you continue having issues.

If powering it OFF and ON still doesn't work, try powering the device from a USB port on a laptop or wall plug to make sure it is working properly.
Some rechargeable battery packs simply can't supply the necessary startup power so try and get one with at least 5V and 3Amp power.

Where should I place a relic on the Relic Amplifier?

Place the relic on the mouth of the carved face. If the diamond does not immediately blink BLUE, trying moving it around a little bit until it does.

When will the Storm God relic be available?

The Storm God relic, along with Release the Kraken, will be available at the end of September. Check back in the online store to see when it becomes available. 

When will the Unstable Cargo relic be available?

Hopefully before the holiday season kicks off this year. So you can ask for it as a stocking stuffer!

When will the Captain Capsize relic be avaiable?

Hopefully before the holiday season kicks off this year. So you can ask for it as a stocking stuffer!

Is there someone I can contact with a support question?

Send an email to and we'll try and get back to you as soon as we can.